Entry Requirements

Entry Requirements

The level of preparation required for this program is that typically offered in secondary level education. In particular, given the broad range of topics covered in the program (economics, business administration, mathematics, statistics, law), logical and deductive skills are required.
To check the level of preparation, students must take a compulsory but non-selective test: the TOLC-E test (for the curriculum in Italian) or the ENGLISH TOLC -E (for the curriculum in English). If the result of the test is not satisfactory (less than 9 points), admission is not excluded, but additional educational requirements (OFA) are established (for the details, see the academic guidelines)
For the English curriculum, students must also demonstrate English proficiency at least at the B2 level.

Candidates holding SAT and GMAT certifications are exempt from taking the TOLC-E test if they have obtained a total score ("total score") of 800 or more out of 1600 for the SAT test or 400 out of 800 for the GMAT test. These certifications must be received by the Admissions Office: DEAMS-Ammissioni@amm.units.it


The procedure for the test consists of two steps:

  1. take the TOLC-E (or EnglishTOLC-E) test after entering on the CISIA website and selecting one of the test dates offered by one of the member universities . There is a fee of €30.
  2. after you have taken the TOLC test, register in the online system of the University of Trieste (link not yet active) and follow the procedure "concorso per valutazione corsi ad accesso libero".

For detailed information on TOLC-E test registration and enrollment, please see the guidelines on the Admission page.