The Master's Degree in Geophysics and Geodata (Class LM-79) aims at providing the student with a broad and solid cultural and methodological basis in geophysics, geology and physics in view of the study of the Earth system and its processes. Specific skills in the field of data science and scientific computing applied to these topics shall also be developed. Geophysics aims at investigating the Earth's interior through non-invasive methods and technologies. It applies the same principle to the study of the Earth's subsoil and surface, ground- and surface water, artefacts and structures. Master's graduates in Geophysics and Geodata acquire a solid foundation knowledge and specialised skills to solve problems related to the study and characterisation of the subsoil and of artefacts. Their knowledge and skills can be directly applied to engineering and geosciences, or used to enter PhD courses, as well as teaching and research institutions. The course was born from the collaboration of three departments of the University of Trieste (Mathematics and Geosciences, Physics, and Engineering and Architecture) with the support of bodies such as the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics and the International Center for Theoretical Physics of Trieste and the relevant industry at national level (Ente Nazionale Idrocarburi - ENI). The course will be taught in English. The course lasts two years and is divided into different training paths: - during the first year, students learn highly specialised methodologies and techniques and will increase their foundation knowledge and skills thanks to a multidisciplinary approach; - in the second year, students will continue their academic and professional training and prepare their master's degree thesis.