Admission Requirements

To be admitted to the Master's Degree Course in Materials and Chemical Engineering for Nano, Bio, and Sustainable Technologies the following items are required: 1) possession of curricular requirements 2) a suitable preparation.

Curricular requirements

The curricular requirements to be admitted to the Master's Degree Course in Materials and Chemical Engineering for Nano, Bio, and Sustainable Technologies consist in having a three-year university degree or diploma, or other qualification acquired abroad and recognized as equivalent and suitable, vouching for an adequate preparation to face the Degree Course. For example, a knowledge equivalent to that envisaged by the general educational objectives of the Degrees of the Industrial Engineering Class (Class 10 of the DM509 / 1999 and Class L-9 of the DM270 / 2004) are considered sufficient.

In general, the studies previously undertaken by the student must have guaranteed

- A solid preparation on the fundamentals of mathematics, physics, chemistry. In particular, for degrees or diplomas obtained in Italy, the student must have achieved a total of at least 30 ECTS in the scientific-disciplinary sectors of the basic subjects MAT / 03, MAT / 05, MAT / 06, MAT / 07, MAT / 08 , FIS / 01, FIS / 02, FIS / 03, CHIM / 03, CHIM / 07. In the case of qualifications obtained abroad, the Degree Program Board evaluates the possible equivalence of the student's preparation in mathematics, physics and chemistry on the basis of the curriculum of studies.

- A basic preparation in the fundamental fields of science and technology of materials and chemical engineering. In particular, for degrees or diplomas obtained in Italy, the student must have achieved a total of at least 24 ECTS in the scientific-disciplinary sectors ING-IND / 16, ING-IND / 21, ING-IND / 22, ING-IND / 23, ING -IND / 24, ING-IND / 25, ING-IND / 26, ING-IND / 27, ICAR / 08. In the case of qualifications obtained abroad, the Degree Program Board assesses the possible equivalence of the student's preparation in the science and technology of materials and chemical engineering on the basis of the curriculum of studies.

Suitable preparation

The Course Council verifies the adequacy of preparation of students who have applied for enrollment in the Course and who possess the aforementioned curricular requirements. Verification takes place, in accordance with the regulations, on the basis of the previous curriculum and possibly with an oral test, consisting of an interview with a Commission appointed by the Board of the Course of Studies and made up of professors belonging to the same.

To access the Degree Program, a level of knowledge of the English language is required that is not lower than B2 of the common European framework of reference for the knowledge of languages, or equivalent. The adequacy of the linguistic level can be ascertained on the basis of the presence of any certifications, or with an oral interview.

The verification can have one of the following outcomes:

- unconditional registration;

- registration conditional upon the acceptance of specific prescriptions.

- motivated non-acceptance of the application form, with the indication of the suggested methods for the acquisition of the missing requisites.

The deadlines for matriculation and enrollment are determined by the Academic Calendar of the Department of Engineering and Architecture.


Admission procedures

Certain curricular requirements relating to the candidates' previous studies and their qualifications are assessed for admission to the degree program. The possession of a three-year or master's degree (the latter obtained, for example, in another sector) or a qualification obtained abroad equivalent to one of the previously mentioned qualifications is required. It is also required that candidates have obtained at least a minimum number of university credits (CFU) in some scientific-disciplinary sectors (SSD) characterizing the preparation of the Chemical Engineer or the Materials Engineer (as specified in the Didactic Regulations of the Master's Degree in Materials and Chemical Engineering for Nano, Bio, and Sustainable Technologies).

The adequacy of the preparation is assessed by the Degree Program Board on the basis of the candidate's previous curriculum studiorum. The Council evaluate the candidate by means of an oral interview and / or a written test, in consideration of the extent and type of gaps found. This assessment takes place in the case that some curricular requirements are not completely satisfied, for example due to courses with similar programs in related scientific disciplinary sectors, or in cases where it is not possible to find a clear correspondence between exams taken and CFU required as for graduates in foreign study courses.