Entry Requirements

The study program does not have a limited enrollment and students who meet the following curricular requirements may apply:

a) Students who hold a bachelor's degree in the following classes: Political Science and International Relations (DM 509/99), Administration Sciences (DM 509/99), Economic Sciences (DM 509/99), Social Sciences for Cooperation, Development, and Peace (DM 509/99), Political Science and International Relations (DM 270/04), Administration and Organization Sciences (DM 270/04), Economic Sciences (DM 270/04), Social Sciences for Cooperation, Development, and Peace (DM 270/04);

b) Students from different study courses who have obtained at least 24 University Educational Credits (CFU) in the following SSDs (settori scientifico disciplinari, scientific-disciplinary sectors):

  • legal field: IUS/08, IUS/09, IUS/10, IUS/13, IUS/14, IUS/21;
  • economic-statistical field: SECS-P/01, SECS-P/02, SECS-S/01, SECS-05;
  • political-social field: SPS/01, SPS/02, SPS/04, SPS/07, SPS/10.

among which at least 6 ECTS must be in the economic-statistical field.

c) Students who hold degrees obtained before the entry into force of DM 509/99 (so-called "old system"), subject to evaluation of the coherence between the master's course structure and the previous study plan.

Students with degrees obtained abroad are admitted to the Master's Degree course if the degree is recognized as suitable in relation to the aforementioned degree classes, or if they possess the specific minimum number of CFUs in certain SSDs as indicated above, following the conversion of credits or qualifications held.

For candidates who do not have all the required CFUs, admission to the Master's Degree course is subject to obtaining the missing CFUs, also through enrollment in individual courses and passing the respective exams.

The study program also includes an assessment of students' personal preparation, which will be determined through the following methods:

  • The preparation assessment is considered positive for students who have obtained a bachelor's degree grade equal to 99/110;
  • For students who have obtained a bachelor's degree grade lower than 99/110 or who hold a foreign degree, they may still have their curriculum evaluated to attest to their knowledge and to undergo an admission interview/test on the subjects communicated to the student by the course coordinator.

Lastly, knowledge of the English language at least at level B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages is required. The assessment of English language proficiency, both written and oral, is part of the assessment of the candidate's personal preparation. This competence can be inferred from the curriculum vitae, from a suitable certification, or from a recognized attestation valid by the University, and is considered fulfilled in the case of candidates who are native English speakers. In all other cases, admission is subject to evaluation through an interview/written test.