
Each Department has several commissions dealing with student services.

Study Program Coordinator:
prof. Fabio Perroni ( )
Dipartimento di Matematica, Informatica e Geoscienze
Via Valerio 12/1
040 5582639


The Didactic Committee:
• proposes the approval and / or modification of the individual study plans;
• implements the improvement proposals formulated in the Cyclical Review Report and in the comments to the Annual Monitoring Report prepared by the AQ Group;
• proposes tutoring activities;
• proposes any change in the time distribution of teaching periods;
• proposes the activation / removal of courses.

Members of the Didactic Committee:
prof.ssa Michela Brundu / prof. Marco Barchiesi / prof. Paolo Novati / Nancy Castiello / Elena Toti / Irene Accardi

Delegate to International Mobility:
prof. Fabio Anselmi

The AQ Group • under the guidance of the Study Program Coordinator, also based on the report of the Joint Student Teachers Commission, annually writes the comments to the Annual Monitoring Report, provided by the National Agency for the Evaluation of the University System and Research (ANVUR); • periodically prepares the Report of the cyclical review, foreseen by the National Agency for Evaluation of the University System and Research (ANVUR); • assists the Coordinator of the Course of Studies in the compilation and possible modifications of the SUA-CdS form, foreseen by the ANVUR; • proposes any changes to the Didactic Regulations and annually drafts the Study Manifesto.

Members of the AQ Group:
prof. Scipio Cuccagna (
prof. Michele Cirafici (
prof. Fabio Perroni (
Lorenzo Tomada (student)

Delegate for incoming orientation: prof. Mattia Mecchia
He deals with all the activities that are used to inform high school students of the characteristics and potential of degree programs, so that those who enroll at the University make the choice of the study program in an informed and conscious way. The delegate collaborates in the activities organized by the University, takes care of any initiatives managed directly by the course of study and responds to any requests from schools and individual students.

Delegate for outbound orientation: prof. Paolo Novati
He deals with all the activities aimed to facilitate the transition of newly graduated students from the degree course towards the world of work or towards a further program of higher education. Although these activities mainly affect students who have already completed their studies, they are addressed to all students of the degree and master degree courses, including, for example, the proposal for internships or traineeships. The delegate collaborates in the activities organized by the University, takes care of any initiatives managed directly by the course of study and responds to any requests from individual students.