Course Objectives

Civil engineering deals with constructions (residential and industrial) and infrastructures (water and road constructions, transport systems). A civil engineer takes care of the design, construction and management of these constructions and infrastructures.

The BSc course in Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Trieste trains a professional figure with a broad spectrum of multi-disciplinary skills that allows continuous updating of professional knowledge during working life. For this purpose, the emphasis is placed on a solid preparation on physical-mathematical foundation, extended to all the main subjects of civil engineering, and integrated by a series of skills in ancillary disciplines related to engineering and economics.

In particular, in the first two years, the study plan envisages a relatively high number of credits in the fields of mathematics, physics and information technology. A more specific preparation follows, based on subjects which cover the essential aspects of civil engineering in its branches (drawing and digital modeling, topography, building construction, fluid mechanics, structural mechanics, structural design, fundamentals of infrastructure and planning of transport).

The graduate can either pursue a career in civil engineering industry or enroll in the MSc degree in Civil Engineering (class LM-23).