Entry Requirements

Entry requirements

The level of preparation required for this program is that  typically offered by secondary education courses. In particular, given the broad range of subjects covered in the program (economics, business management, mathematics, statistics, law), logic and deductive skills are required.

To check the level of preparation students are required to take a compulsory but non-selective test: the TOLC-E test (for the curriculum in Italian) or the ENGLISH TOLC-E (for the curriculum in English).
The syllabus and the structure of the test can be found at this link: Syllabus

If the outcome of the test is unsatisfactory (less than 9 points), admission is not precluded, but additional educational requirements (OFA) will be defined (for the details see the academic guidelines)

For the English curriculum students must also demonstrate proficiency in English language at least to level B2.



The procedure for the test consists in two steps:

1. Take the  TOLC-E (or EnglishTOLC-E) test after registering on the CISIA  website and selecting one of the test dates offered by any of the member universities. A participation fee of €30 is applied.

2. After you have taken the TOLC test, enter  the University of Trieste online system (link) and follow the procedure concorso per valutazione for corsi ad accesso libero (link)

More detailed information on how to register for the TOLC test and how to enroll in the program can be found in the guidelines on the page “Admission”.