
Students can do a curricular internship (or placement) either within the University or with recognised companies/organisations. Curricular internships are administered by the departments.

Students who have graduated in the last year can do extra-curricular internships. Details can be found on the Careers Service website, which also offers a placement service for those seeking employment opportunities.

The University central offices offer student career counselling services through offers of internships and work placements, counselling laboratories and company presentations.

In the reserved access area of the Sportello Lavoro (Employment Desk) site, students can find advice on how to write a CV or letter of presentation, on support tools for the work placement, and on companies that can be contacted directly regarding employment and internship opportunities. Students and graduates who require information on these questions can contact the Placement Office.

The University’s central Placement Office stipulates internship and training project agreements only for students who graduated no longer than one year previously. Internships for enrolled students are stipulated by the departments.

All details can be found on the Sportello lavoro web site.

In particular, for the Master Degree Course in Architecture a curricular internship called "Design Internship" is mandatory. It must cover at least 200 hours (8 CFU), to be held in professional offices, public administrations, companies, etc. affiliated with the University or with the Department.

The Design Internship is an experience that aims to integrate the training offer received during the lessons and the workshops with the participation in a work experience that allows the students to concretely apply the acquired knowledge.

Refer to the page Stage and Internships on the website of the Department of Engineering and Architecture.