Bodies for Teaching Assessment

The Teaching Commission

The Teaching Commission (CD) is composed of the Coordinator and Vice-Coordinator, the Head of professionalizing teaching activities, the year's Teaching Coordinators, and a student representative, appointed annually by the CdS. The Coordinator may add up to three members to the CD, chosen from among tenured faculty and researchers, who may be assigned specific proxies.

The outgoing Coordinator and the "incoming" Coordinator are part of the CD as of right, for one year, and attend meetings without voting rights. The CD remains in office for three academic years, corresponding to the term of the Coordinator. In case the Coordinator resigns early, the CD lapses at the end of the current academic year. Failure to attend three consecutive meetings of the CD, without written justification, or five consecutive meetings, also with justification, shall result in automatic disqualification from the CD for members designated by the Coordinator and for the student representative, as well as from the office of the Year Educational Coordinator, for Year Coordinators.

The CD normally meets at least three times a year and is convened by the Coordinator, or by his or her mandate by the Vice-Coordinator, or at the request of at least two-thirds of the members of the Commission.

Consulting with the Coordinators of the teachings and the faculty members of the relevant scientific-disciplinary fields, the CD performs the following investigative functions vis-à-vis the LSC, or deliberative upon specific mandate from the LSC:

(a) Identifies the educational objectives of the core curriculum and assigns educational credits to them, based on the total time commitment required of students to achieve these objectives.

b) Groups the educational objectives into the Teaching courses, which are functional to the educational goals of the LSC.

c) Proposes, with the consent of the interested parties, the assignment of Professors and Researchers to the Teaching Courses, considering the teaching needs of the CCS, the professors' affiliation to the scientific-disciplinary sectors, their inclinations also in relation to research activity and the individual teaching load.

d) Plans, together with the Coordinators and in agreement with the lecturers, the assignment to Professors and Researchers of specific teaching tasks, aimed at achieving the educational objectives of each Teaching, ensuring, at the same time, educational effectiveness and respect for individual competencies.

e) Identifies, together with the lecturers, the appropriate teaching methodologies to achieve the individual didactic-training objectives.

f) Organizes the provision of elective teaching activities and proposes to the BoS their activation.

g) Evaluates and proposes to the Board the recognition of the educational path of graduates from foreign universities or students transferred from other Courses of Studies of the University or from Courses of Studies in Dental Hygiene of other Italian locations.

h) Before the beginning of each academic year, it proposes to the CL. the scheduling of profit examinations, Graduate Diploma sessions and their committees.

i) In situations of urgency, the CD may make decisions "sub conditione," which will be submitted later for approval by the first Course Council.

The Teaching Commission also performs the following functions:

(a) It collaborates with faculty to define the mode of preparation of formative tests and assessment of learning, consistent with the established educational objectives.

b) Coordinates the constant monitoring of all educational activities, evaluating the quality of their results, including through the official evaluations expressed by students, and is in charge of periodic self-evaluation procedures.

c) Promotes educational training and updating initiatives for teachers, in collaboration with the Departmental Joint Commission.

d) It organizes continuous tutoring services for students to facilitate their progress in their studies.

The meetings of the CD are minuted and forwarded to the CoS.


The Quality Assurance (QA) Group

The QA group is composed of the Coordinator, the Vice-Coordinator, the Head of Professionalizing Educational Activities (RAFP), the faculty members in charge of the year, and at least one student of the CdS. The main mission of the QA group is to analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the degree program, identifying improvement actions and ensuring the proper implementation of these actions to all parties involved.

Specifically, the QA group performs the following functions:

(a) Continuously monitors program performance using data and information provided by the University's administrative offices, and reports periodically to the CoS on these results.b) Collects reports and suggestions from faculty and/or students and seeks to follow them up using the tools available.

c) Reports to the Board of Studies the presence of situations or phenomena that require immediate corrective action, proposing the corresponding measures to be taken.

d) Implements, to the extent of its competence, the decisions approved by the Course Council or submits them to the competent bodies.

The QA group is required to take minutes after each meeting in order to transmit the contents that have emerged to the Course Council.

The QA group is committed to centering its approach to learning and teaching on the student, stimulating students' motivation, self-reflection and active involvement in the learning process. At the same time, it assumes full responsibility for ensuring the quality of its teachers by providing them with a conducive working environment that enables them to perform their functions efficiently. To this end, clear, transparent and fair processes are activated and followed for the recruitment of the faculty itself.

See the following page for the updated composition of these bodies: