Course Description

The Engineering for the Energy Transition master's degree program, in English, aims to equip students with the skills necessary to address the energy transition, both in the field of building systems and in the industrial sector, through two specific curricula: Sustainable Building Design and Technology and Sustainable Industrial Systems

The program is based on a strongly multidisciplinary experimental approach characterized by laboratory activities, and provides students with the tools necessary to comprehend both technical and technological aspects related to materials, components, and the complex building/energy plants system, as well as their interaction and integration with the environment in which they are embedded, and the contextual aspects of the transition related to administrative, economic, and social issues. 
The program therefore trains professionals capable of operating in the field of energy design and management of building systems and in the industrial sector. The program offers a set of skills that are useful for acquiring the technical and cultural expertise necessary to occupy positions of responsibility in the field of design, coordination, and management, both as freelancers and at companies and public or private entities, including research companies.